Providing staffing solutions and care
When Golden first opened its doors, we were primarily focused on bringing our services to the doorsteps of our clients – giving them the best care in the comfort of their homes. A short while after, we ventured into providing staffing solutions to Long Term Care facilities across the city. Golden quickly established itself as a trusted partner and meets the needs of clients in rural communities. Our clients know they can count on us to deliver top-notch service from the finest quality staff at a moment’s notice.
Today, we continue to be driven by our passion to deliver the best care to Manitobans, and to do good by our employees. We strive to always put our people first, and are proud to be Winnipeg born and bred.
Why healthcare organizations choose Golden.
Trusted Partner
High standard of care
Great management
First choice of healthcare organizations
Licensed, trained and vetted staff
Healthcare aides, registered nurses, license practical nurses
Available to provide care around the clock
Knowledgeable in using health management and reporting technology
Competitive pricing
Cost-effective strategies
Get In Touch
with Golden.
At Golden, care is our culture. Since we opened our doors in 2010, Golden has always worked to put our people first: our clients and our staff.
2-441 Carlton Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba